Reflection Service
flowchart LR
classDef coreAPI stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#000,font-size:22px
classDef UI stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#000,font-size:22px
classDef db stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#000,font-size:22px
classDef reflection fill:#ffec99,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#000,font-size:22px
classDef query stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#000,font-size:22px
classDef clients stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#000,font-size:22px
subgraph DataLayer["Data Layer"]
direction TB
DataWarehouse["Data Warehouse"]
subgraph "DataJunction"
direction TB
CoreAPI("<br> Core API <br><br>"):::coreAPI
MetadataDB["Metadata DB<br>(Postgres)"]:::db
ReflectionService["<br> Reflection <br>Service <br><br>"]:::reflection
subgraph Clients["Client Libraries"]
PythonClient["Python Client"]:::clients
JSClient["JS Client"]:::clients
UI("<br> DJ UI <br><br>"):::UI
subgraph "Presentation Layer"
direction TB
JupyterNotebooks["Jupyter Notebooks"]
ReactApps["React Apps"]
CoreAPI <--> MetadataDB
CoreAPI <--> UI
CoreAPI --> PythonClient["Python Client"]
CoreAPI --> JSClient["JS Client"]
DataWarehouse --> QueryService
Scheduler --> QueryService
ReflectionService --> CoreAPI
QueryService <--> CoreAPI
DataWarehouse --> ReflectionService
PythonClient --> JupyterNotebooks["Jupyter Notebooks"]
PythonClient --> Streamlit["Streamlit"]
JSClient --> ReactApps["React Apps"]
The reflection service polls the DJ core service for all nodes with associated tables, whether source tables or materialized tables. For each node, it refreshes the node’s schema based on the associated table’s schema that it retrieves from the query service. It also retrieves the available partitions and the valid through timestamp of these tables and reflects them accordingly to DJ core.
This service uses a celery beat scheduler, with a configurable polling interval that defaults to once per hour and async tasks for each node’s reflection.